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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 110.00 Twoja cena  104,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Most people will experience psychometric testing at some time or another when applying for a job and many fail to make the best of the opportunity to showcase their talents. Brilliant Psychometrics seeks to turn this around by providing practical help to anyone undertaking formal assessment procedures at interview.

It explores psychometric tests, assessment centres and other formal procedures such as structured interviewing. It explains what these procedures are, informs candidates what their rights are and what they should expect in terms of advance information and feedback. The book is full of examples showing what psychometrics look and feel like and illustrative stories showing things to watch out for.

Based on the author’s practical experience of over forty years of testing candidates from barmen to spacemen, chief executives to double-glazing salespeople, it provides candidates with all the insight they need to feel fully prepared and confident when faces with psychometric testing.

Dr. Robert Edenborough has worked with psychometrics for much of his 42 year career. He has used a wide range of such instruments in an enormous number of settings in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He has also supervised the design of psychometric measures himself as well as undertaking research and reviews on a number of them. His work has also extended to the application of assessment centre methods and the design and implementation of structured, scoreable interviews.

He has published three books on psychometrics and associated measures and is a frequent contributor at conferences and professional gatherings. He is a director of Bradenlaw Ltd., a company which conducts psychometric assessment and audits the application of such methods by other companies.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1 What is psychometric testing?

Chapter 2 The test mindset – how to approach psychometric testing

Chapter 3 Ability tests – what to expect

Chapter 4. Who are you? More on personality and motivation

Chapter 5 Computer-based testing-what makes it different

Chapter 6 Structured interviewing

Chapter 7 Other 'tests'

Chapter 8 Testing fairly

Chapter 9 Psychometrics – what’s in, what’s out, what’s the future?

Appendix 1 Further Sources of Information

Appendix 2 Expert System Report


256 pages, Paperback

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