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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Marketing Research Process

Len Tiu Wright & Margaret Crimp

The Marketing Research Process is an invaluable introduction to marketing research. The authors and leading market research practitioners have achieved a textbook that focuses on the process of conducting successful market research. The student is guided through this process in a logical and systematic way commencing with initial exploratory research and ending with media selection, planning and monitoring. In addition to this the European based examples and up-to-date nature of the book have ensured its popularity throughout four editions.

This fifth edition has been updated to take account of changes within the dynamic marketing environment. Specifically there is greater coverage of:

the impact of information technology and database marketing on the market research industry

business to business marketing research with an entirely new chapter devoted to this important topic

the international dimensions of marketing research.

The Marketing Research Process has long been regarded as a practical text for marketing research. This new edition includes recent case material and end of chapter questions designed to test students' understanding. The book provides a sound foundation for students of marketing research on degree programmes in universities and for those studying on professional courses in market research from the Market Research Society and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Len Tiu Wright is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the Business School, Keele University. She has researched widely in Japan, South East Asia, Europe and North America and has presented papers at national and international conferences for over a decade. Some of these have been given best paper conference awards. Her writings have appeared in other publications such as books and both American and European academic journals. Len Tiu has guest-edited for a number of academic journals in the UK and abroad. She is the Editor of the Qualitative Market Research - An International Journal, an MCB publication.

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