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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2003, wydanie III

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Key Management Ratios
Master the management metrics that drive and control your business

Ciaran Walsh

In Detail

Business ratios are the figures that provide management with targets and standards for their organisation. They direct businesses towards the most beneficial long-term strategies, as well as towards effective decision making.

This book enables managers of different functions to work together towards achieving business goals. It links the return on financial resources into the day-to-day operating parameters of the business - skills which any manager from any background can implement.

Areas covered include:

the foundations

the cash flow cycle

financial leverage

measuring and operating performance

corporate valuation

investment ratios


Part I Foundations

1 Background

2 Financial statements

3 Balance sheet terms

4 Profit and loss account

Part II Operating Performance

5 Measures of performance

6 Operating performance

7 Performance drivers

Part III Corporate liquidity

8 Cash flow cycle

9 Liquidity

10 Financial strength

11Cash flow

Part IV Determinants of corporate value

12 Corporate valuation

13 Financial leverage

14 Growth

Part V Management Decision-Making

15 Cost, volume and price relationships

16 Investment ratios

17 Shareholder value added (SVA)

18 Acquisition analysis

376 pages

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