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"My favourite management book of the last 25 years? No contest. The Rise & Fall of Strategic Planning by Henry Mintzberg." Tom Peters

In this definitive and revealing history, Henry Mintzberg unmasks the process that has mesmerised so many organisations since 1965: strategic planning.

Table of Contents

Acknowlegdements xv

A Note to the Reader xvii

Introduction: The "Planning School" in Context 1

Planning and Strategy
What is planning anyway?

Why plan (According to Planners)?
Jelenik's Case for Planning

And what is Strategy?

Planners, Plans and Planning

A Plan for this book

2.Models of the Strategic Planning Process

The Basic Planning Model

The core 'design school' model

Premises of the Design School

Premises of the Planning Literature

The Initial Ansoff Model

The Mainline Stiener Model

Decomposing the Basic Model

The Objective Setting Stage

The External Audit Stage

The Internal Audit Stage

The Strategy Evaluation Stage

The Strategy Operationalization Stage

Scheduling the Whole Process

A Missing Detail

Sorting out the Four Hierarchies: Objectives, Budgets, Strategies, Programs

Heirarchy of Objectives

Heirarchy of Budgets

Heirarchy of Strategies

Heirarchy of Programs

The "Great Divide" of Planning

Forms of Strategic Planning

A.Conventional Strategic Planning

B."Strategic Planning" as numbers game

C.Capital Budgeting as Ad Hoc Control

3. Evidence on Planning

Survey Evidence on "Does Planning pay?"

Anecdotal Evidence

The Generic Electric FIFO Experience

Some Deeper Evidence

Sarrazin's Study of Exemplary Planning

Gomer's Study of Planning Under Crisis

Quinns findings on Planning Under "Logical Incrementalism"

The McGill Research on "Tracking Strategies"

Koch's study of the "Facade" of French Government Planning

Some Evidence on the PPBS Experience

Some Evidence on Capital Budgeting

Concluding the Deeper Evidence

Planners' Responses to the Evidence

Faith "There is no problem"

Salvation "Its the process that counts"

Elaboration "Just you wait"

Reversion "back to basics"

Pitfalls "Them not us"

4. Some Real Pitfalls of Planning

Planning and commitment

Commitment at the Top

Commitment Lower Down

"Decentralized" Planning

Planning And Freedom

Commitment Versus Calculation

Planning And Change

The Inflexibility of Plans

The Inflexibility of Planning

Planned Change as Incremental

Planned Change as Generic

Planned Change as Short Term

Flexible Planning: Wanting Things Both Ways

Planning & Politics

The Bases of Objectivity

The Goals Implicit in Planning

The Politics of Planning

Politics over Planning

Planning and Control

Obsession with Control

"Our Age is turbulent, Chicken Little"

Strategic Vision and Strategic Learning

Illusion of Control?

Planning as Public Relations

5.Fundamental Fallacies of Strategic Planning

Some Basic Assumptions Behind Strategic Planning

Missing Taylor's Message

The Fallacy of Predetermination

The Performance of Forecasting

The Forecasting of Discontinuities

Forecasting as Magic

Forecasting as Extrapolation

Forecasting and "Turbulence" 237

The Dynamics of Strategy Formation

Forecasting as Control (and Planning as Enactment)

Secenarios's Instead of Forecasts

Contingency Planning instead of Deterministic Planning

The Fallacy Detachment

Seeing the Forest and The Trees

The Soft Underbelly of Hard Data

The Detachment of Planners from Strategy Making

The Detachment of Managers who Rely on Planning from Strategy Making

Learning about Strengths and Weaknesses

"Marketing Myopia" Myopia

Attaching Formulation to Implementation

Connecting Thinking and Acting

The Fallacy of Formulation

The Failure of Formalization

Was Formalization ever tried?

The Analytical Nature of Planning

Intuition Distinguished

Do the Hemispheres Have Minds of Their Own?

Simon's Analytical View of Intuition

Flipping Intuition Across Analysis

Planning on the Left Side and Managing on the Right

The Image of Managing

The Grand Fallacy

6. Planning, Plan, Planners

Coupling Analysis and Intuition

The Planning Dilemma

Comparing Analysis and Intuition

Analysis and Intuition in Strategy Making

"Soft" Analysis

Role of Planning: Strategic Programming

Step 1: Codifying the Strategy

Step 2: Elaborating the Strategy

Step 3: Converting the Elaborated Strategy

Conditions of Strategic Programming

First Role of Plans: Communication Media

Second Role of Plans: Control Devices

Strategic Control

First Role of Planners: Finders of Strategy

Logic in Action

Desperately Seeking Strategies

Unconventional Planners

Second Role of Planners: Analysts

Strategic Analysis for Managers

External Strategic Analysis

Internal Strategic Analysis and the role of Simulation

Scrutinization of Strategies

Third Role of Planners: Catalysts

Opening Up Strategic Thinking

Role for Formalization

The Formalization Edge

Simon's Interactive Control

Playing the Catalyst Role

The Planner as Strategist

A Plan for Planners

A Planner for Each Side of the Brain

Planners in Context

Forms of Organizations

Strategic Programming in the Machine Organization

Right and Left Handed Planners in the Machine Organization

Strategic Programming Under Other Conditions

Strategic Analysis in the Professional Organization

Planning & Analysis in the Adhocracy Organization

Minimal Roles in the Entrepreneurial Organization

Performance Control in the Diversified Organization

Planning Under Politics and Culture

Planning in Different Cultures

458 pages

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