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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 245.00 Twoja cena  232,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

While a week may be a long time in politics, two years is an eternity in today's e-Business age. Since the first edition of this book was published in 1997 the growth of e-Business has been phenomenal and has impacted on all aspects of marketing. Time is now measured at net speed where time to market is calculated in days and weeks rather than months or years. This new edition has been written to reflect these changes.


Much greater emphasis on the impact of e-Business on marketing.

A new part dedicated to issues of managing the customer relationships, including individual chapters on the creating the customer database, database and direct marketing, and relationship marketing.

A wide range of examples and case studies from student-orientated companies including Sony, Amazon.com, British Airways and many more.

Coverage of topical issues such as data privacy, globalization, sales force automation and digital television.

Throughout the authors clearly demonstrate it is imperative that marketeers keep pace with the dramatic and far-reaching changes of the digital age.

Table of Contents

The Marketing Revolution.
1. The Marketing Challenge.
2. The Impact of The Information Age And E-Commerce on Marketing.
3. How Can Marketing Respond?
Part 1. Understanding Your Customer.
4. Marketing Research.
5. Customer Information and Customer Databases.
Part 2. Manage the Relationships with Your Customer.
6. Marketing and Customer Information Systems.
7. From Database Marketing to Relationship Marketing.
Part 3. Develop Offerings for Your Customers.
8. Product.
9. Price.
10. Place.
11. Promotion.
Part 4. Deliver Offerings to Your Customers.
12. Sales Management.
13. Service Management.
14. Implementing Marketing and E-Commerce Systems.

216 pages

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