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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Final year projects are an important feature of most undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the fields of Business Information Technology, Information Systems, Software Engineering and Business Computing. These projects usually involve students in the practical application of theory together with a critical analysis or evaluation of the excecution of their project or of the theory applied.

This book is the first to provide detailed guidance and support for students in preparing for, conducting and evaluating a system development project, independent of the development methodology or technical tools to be used.

Structure of the book is chronological, covering project preparation, project execution and project completion.

Examples of each key product and activity are included as are examples of different types of project, using the three main system development methodologies, SSADM, UML and DSDM.

A website with templates and examples is available for students.

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Project preparation and set-up

Chapter 1 - Introduction to student projects

What is a project?

Types of projects

Business and information systems strategy

Feasibility Studies

Complex software development

Multi-media projects

Technical infrastructure projects

Research projects and case studies

Hybrid projects

Group projects

Critical success (and failure) factors

Assessment criteria (what makes a great project)

Chapter 2 - Identifying and selecting a project

Sources of projects

Generating ideas

Selection criteria

Short-listing and modifying ideas

Examples of past projects

Making the final selection

Chapter 3 - Overview of project approaches and structures (and when to use them)

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Project phases and organisation

Structured methods

Object-oriented methods

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Other methodologies

Package implementations

Chapter 4 - Setting up the project

Getting organised

Project objectives (academic and business) and scope definition

Project deliverables

Selecting the development method

Research questions

Initial planning

The roles of the project supervisor, student and client

Producing a project proposal

Part 2 - Project execution

Chapter 5 - Project Management.

Detailed planning

Time management

Record keeping and good housekeeping

Project tracking and control

Tools and techniques

Risk and issue management

Common problems and their management

Controlling change

Progress reporting

Using the project supervisor

Managing the client

Project teams

Chapter 6 - Research.

Types of research

Literature sources and searches

Writing a literature review

Research methods

Primary and secondary data, and its collection

Analysing data

Chapter 7 - Systems Requirements.

Fact finding


Recording requirements

Modelling requirements

Early prototypes

Package research and selection

Technical requirements

Feasibility Studies

Project management and reporting

Chapter 8 - Systems Design

Identifying, evaluating and selecting system solutions

Conceptul design

Data analysis

Physical design

Human-computer interaction


Data management design

Technical design

Design prototypes

Project management and reporting

Chapter 9 - System construction and implementation

Program or component specification

Software production and programming

Incremental delivery

Package configuration

Testing and de-bugging

Data conversion and preparation

User and system documentation

Software installation

Technical infrastructure implementation


Project management and reporting

Part 3 - Project completion

(50-60 pages)Chapter 10 - Critical analysis and evaluation

Review of objectives and theory

Analysis of the development process

Evaluating alternative approaches

Evaluating the final deliverables and research results

Chapter 11 - Final report

Poster presentations

Preparing and presenting papers

Draft reports

Report structure, content and presentation

Report writing

Common errors


Plagiarism and data protection

Software demonstrations

Viva voce examinations


(20-30 pages)Appendix A - Glossary

Appendix B - Bibliography

Appendix C - Checklist

290 pages

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