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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

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Managing Risk in Alternative Investment Strategies
Successful Investing in Hedge Funds and Managed Futures

Lars Jaeger

In Detail

The widespread interest in hedge funds and managed futures can be attributed to the attractive risk-reward characteristics of Alternative Investment Strategies (AIS) as well as their low correlation to traditional asset classes. However, in order for AIS to achieve their full potential, the industry must address investor concerns about the diverse risks of AIS investments as well as the lack of investment transparency, low liquidity and long redemption periods.

Managing Risk in Alternative Investment Strategies provides a concise guide to the latest thinking in AIS risk for investment professionals and elaborates on the emerging 'transparency model' which provides the backbone of solid risk management.

The book discusses the 'art and science' of effective hedge fund risk management including:

  • the properties of Alternative Investment Strategies (Hedge Funds and Managed Futures)
  • a thorough discussion of the underlying investment strategies
  • a comparison of the specific risks of each strategy
  • an outline of modern financial risk analysis tools
  • the principles of risk management in an AIS portfolio.

Managing Risk in Alternative Investment Strategies is an ideal guide for investment professionals looking to reap the rewards of alternative investment strategies and control their risk effectively.

304 pages

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