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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 249.75 Twoja cena  237,26 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Critical Thinking

Get smarter - in every part of your life.

- Practical skills for thinking more clearly - and making more effective decisions

- Thinking strategically: using effective thinking to achieve your goals and enhance your life

- Evaluating thinking: yours and everyone else's

- Overcoming the obstacles to effective thinking

- Thinking more effectively in your personal and business relationships

- Includes exercises for honing your thinking skills every day

The world gets more complex every day. There's only one way to cope - get smarter. Thinking more effectively gives you greater control over your life, helps you overcome adversity and makes it easier to transform your dreams into reality. Effective thinking is no mystery. It consists of practical skills anyone can learn, practice, and improve. Critical Thinking gives you those skills.

Richard W. Paul and Linda Elder show you how to "take thinking apart" and assess it for quality. You'll learn how to improve all three components of thinking - analysis, evaluation, and re-thinking. Then, through "brains-on" exercises, you'll discover and hone new thinking skills that'll soon become second nature.

Critical Thinking will help you in hundreds of ways. It will enable you to solve problems more effectively, make better decisions, recognize pathological thinking, and avoid being manipulated. Above all, it will give you the confidence and courage to recognize the path that's right for you - and take it.

358 pages

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