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wydawnictwo: AP , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 390.00 Twoja cena  370,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Applied Demography
Applications to Business, Government, Law, and Public Policy

Complete, thorough and current, Applied Demography covers a wide range of disciplines, including economics, gerontology, public policy, sociology, public administration and business management. With governments and businesses increasingly recognizing the need for demographic analyses and solutions, demographers are being called upon to work not only in areas narrowly defined as demographic, but also in nondemographic areas, such as insurance programs, manufacturing processes and the dynamics of organizations as populations units.

Applied Demography abounds with examples of the applications of demographic data to the conduct of business, public policy and labor issues. It is richly illustrated with tables, charts, worksheets and basic collection instruments. Each chapter is accompanied by a list of Suggested Readings keyed to the text. In this way readers develop a realistic sense of the broad range of applications of applied demography and have at hand the references they need to pursue specialized interests further. This book is designed to serve both as a stand-alone text for one-semester course in applied demography and as a reference tool for anyone working with demographic tools and data.


"Siegel has delivered a winner (again!). Intended for the demographic practitioner and those who seriously wish to engage the field of applied demography, this book is The Userguide to the demographer's toolkit. The scope and breadth of the concrete examples is awesome!" Paul R. Voss, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
684 pages

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