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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Global-Investor Book of Investing Rules, The: Invaluable Advice from 150 Master Investors


The world's leading investors share today's best tactics, strategies, and investment rules!

Simply put, this book is a gold mine: an unprecedented, up-to-the-minute portfolio of investment advice from 150 of the world's leading fund managers, traders, analysts, economists, and investment experts. Every expert has distilled his or her advice down to its very essence, presenting specific "dos and don'ts," techniques, and ideas you can use right now. No matter how you invest-or how much-you'll discover powerful strategies to increase returns, control risks, anticipate what's coming next... and profit from it.

Just a few of the world-renowned investment experts who share their wisdom in this book...

Nick Antill on valuation

  • Martin Barnes on liquidity
  • Gary Belsky on behavioral finance
  • Bruce Berman on patents
  • William Bernstein on asset allocation
  • John C. Bogle on common-sense investing
  • David Braun on M&As
  • Thom Calandra on debt
  • Donald Cassidy on stock selling
  • Moorad Choudhry on bonds
  • Laurence Copeland on currencies
  • Richard Cragg on demographic investment
  • Lawrence Cunningham on Warren Buffett
  • Anthony Cross on intellectual capital
  • Joe DiNapoli on trading
  • "Dr. Doom" Marc Faber on contrarianism
  • Herb Greenberg on avoiding problem stocks
  • John Hathaway on gold
  • Brian Kettell on Fed watching
  • George Kleinman on commodities
  • Burton Malkiel on risk and reward
  • Jim Oberweis on high-growth companies
  • George Putnam III on turnarounds
  • Jay Ritter on IPOs
  • John Rothchild on severe bear markets
  • Charles Schwab on long-term investing
  • Gary Shilling on deflationary investing
  • Howard L. Simons on market interrelationships
  • Andrew Tobias on personal finance
  • Neal Weintraub on trading
  • Ed Yardeni on global economic trends


Sector investing: what's in, what's out, what's next
Leading sector analysts on automotive, chemicals, luxury goods, transport, banking, therapeutics, energy, tobacco, and other key industries
Regional investing: beyond U.S. equities
Ajay Kapur on Asian equities, Paul Temperton on Euroland, Ralph Wanger on the new rationale for global investment, and more
And over 100 more experts!
  • Up-to-the-minute investment insights from the world's top fund managers, traders, analysts, and economists
  • Covers every aspect of global investing: strategy, equity selection, regions, industries, and more
  • Presents powerful techniques for limiting risk and coping with challenging economic environments
  • Includes "Top 10 Investment Dos & Don'ts" from every expert!

In this book, more than 150 of the world's most respected investors reveal the key tactics, strategies, and insights they rely upon today to maximize their results and minimize their risks. Each distills their approach into a concise list of insights, rules, and "dos & don'ts" that any investor can understand-and act upon.

The experts quoted in this book address virtually every aspect of global investment. You'll find powerful insights on international markets and capital flows, company valuation, liquidity issues, trading systems, behavioral finance, asset allocation, options, timing, M&As, short-selling, bonds, currency investment, regional and sector-based investment, stock selection, avoiding problem stocks, profiting from buybacks, evaluating broker recommendations, profiting from bear markets and deflationary environments, value investing, contrarian strategies, and much more.

From Martin Barnes on general investment principles to Moorad Choudhry on investing in bonds, Burton Malkiel on the essential truths of risk and reward, and Andrew Tobias on personal finance, this is an extraordinary single source for outstanding investment advice. It will be the most profitable book you buy this year!

"Earlier this year, investment bookshop Global-Investor approached 150 of the world's most respected financial experts and asked them each to provide ten 'rules' for stock market success. Global-Investor subsequently published their responses in the book Investing Rules. No matter what stock market strategy you favor, you're bound to find the rules that suit your investing aims." The Motley Fool

"...serious investors will mark and linger over key passages; re-read important sections many times over; and reference favorite contributions as a touchstone for developing and refining their own investment approaches." Techinvest

502 pages

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