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Strategic Human Resourcing

Principles Prespectives and Practice

Assuming a basic knowledge of HRM, this text discusses the underlying principles and how they manifest themselves in practice, and uncovers the different perspectives of the parties to the employment relationship.

By taking a processual approach as the theoretical framework for discussion, the key debates and tensions at the heart of specific areas of contemporary employment practice are critically examined. The focus is on the roles and responsibilities of the personnel specialist and line manager in developing human resourcing policy and operational practice. All this is considered within a range of organisational contexts - public sector, private sector, recently privatised utilities, SMEs and non-profit making bodies.

Generously supported with contemporary case material, discussion questions, learning objectives, chapter summaries and a guide to further reading, it is an ideal text for those taking Masters programmes in HRM, IPD specialist electives en route to graduateship of the IPD, and advanced undergraduate modules in HRM. Also relevant for HR modules on MBA or DMS courses.

Features of Strategic Human Resourcing: Principles, Perspectives and Practices include:

single source text for discussion of key debates within contemporary employment practice

underlying principles are clearly demonstrated using practical examples

human resourcing policies and practices are considered in a range of organisational contexts

concentrates on strategy-making in the context of practice, as opposed to strategy formulation

authoritative overviews, many based on recent research undertaken by chapter authors

case material, exercises and discussion questions test the students' understanding of the concepts.

Strategic Human Resourcing: Principles, Perspectives and Practices is a single source text providing an examination of contemporary thinking and practice in strategic human resourcing.

About the authors:

John Leopold is Professor of Human Resource Management, Lynette Harris is Director of HR Professional Development, Tony Watson is Professor of Organisational and Managerial Behaviour, all at Nottingham Business School.

The editors, and all the contributing authors are teachers and researchers in HRM and all keep closely in touch with the world of practice.

470 pages

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