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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2007, wydanie I

cena netto: 240.00 Twoja cena  228,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A solid foundation for those looking to succeed in today's market

An excellent book for new traders, 30 Days to Market Mastery outlines an easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement approach to learning how to trade. This book covers the fundamentals of how to structure trades in a disciplined fashion, so as to avoid vague decisions and acting on unclear trading signals. It also provides a number of strategies for entering and exiting the market in a way that maximizes the chances of making money and minimizes the potential for losing money. With this book as their guide, readers will learn the proper organizational, analytical, and behavioral skills that are vital to consistent success in trading. In 30 Days to Market Mastery each trading day contains a single lesson, and each lesson contains a quiz to help the reader master the material.

Table of Contents




LESSON 1, DAY 1 The Structure of a Trade.

LESSON 2, DAY 2 Setup, Trigger, and Follow-through: The Basics.

LESSON 3, DAY 3 Seasonality and High-Odds Seasonal Setups.

LESSON 4, DAY 4 The Seasonal Trigger.

LESSON 5, DAY 5 Follow-Through.

LESSON 6, DAY 6 Trading the Power Momentum Formula (PMF).

LESSON 7, DAY 7 Power Momentum Formula (PMF) Trigger.

LESSON 8, DAY 8 PMF: Follow-through: Part I.

LESSON 9, DAY 9 PMF: Follow-through: Part II.

LESSON 10, DAY 10 Using the Moving Average Channel: Part I.

LESSON 11, DAY 11 Using the Moving Average Channel: Part II.

LESSON 12, DAY 12 Three Powerful Price Patterns: Part I.

LESSON 13, DAY 13 Three Powerful Price Patterns: Part II.

LESSON 14, DAY 14 Three Powerful Price Patterns: Part III.

LESSON 15, DAY 15 The Eight-Bar Open/Close Pattern and How to Use It.

LESSON 16, DAYS 16–17 Understanding and Using the Commitment of Traders Report: Part I.

LESSON 17, DAYS 18–19 Commitment of Traders Report Part II: Triggers.

LESSON 18, DAYS 20–21 The Advanced 30-Minute Breakout for S&P and E-Mini Trading.

LESSON 19, DAYS 22–24 How to Structure Your Trading Portfolio for Maximum and Consistent Gains.

LESSON 20, DAYS 25–27 Diversification.

LESSON 21, DAY 28 Putting It All Together.

LESSON 22, DAYS 29–30 The Psychology and Discipline of Trading.


207 pages, Hardcover

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