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wydawnictwo: FT PRESS , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

33 Million People in the Room: How to Create, Influence, and Run a Successful Business with Social Networking (Networking Technology: Security Series)


Social networks are no fad. They’re a permanent reality: one that offers immense opportunities to smart, innovative businesses. Now, top social networking consultant Juliette Powell reveals how dozens of innovators are driving real ROI through
social networks–and how you can, too.

Powell’s wide-ranging research, including coverage on Barack Obama's successful online strategy in his bid for the presidency, focuses on technology, media and gaming companies, leaders in fashion, beauty, publishing, finance, retail, event planning, and beyond. These powerful narratives illuminate the reality of doing business on today’s social networks as never before. Through them, Powell introduces new best practices, shows how to avoid crucial pitfalls, and helps you prepare for the newest trends in online social networking.

Drawing on the latest research, Powell connects the dots, uncovering the human dynamics and patterns that consistently underlie successful social networking initiatives. Along the way, she offers practical tools and advice for optimizing every stage of your own social networking initiative–from planning through measurement, and beyond.

  • Getting on, getting started, and making social networks work for you
    Defining and implementing your optimal social networking strategy
  • Leveraging the amazing power of the microcelebrity
    Achieving worldwide impact in the niche that matters to you
  • Transforming social and cultural capital into financial capital
    Be generous, build your trusted personal network–and discover all you get in return
  • Profiting from the knowledge you never knew you had
    Opening your organization’s own social networking channels– inside and out

Table of Contents


Ch. 1 The Power of Social Networks 2

Ch. 2 Getting On and Getting Started 16

Ch. 3 Making Social Networks Work for You 30

Ch. 4 The Strength of the Microcelebrity 42

Ch. 5 The Need for Authenticity 52

Ch. 6 The Feedback Loop 62

Ch. 7 Social Capital[actual symbol not reproducible]Cultural Capital[actual symbol not reproducible]Financial Capital 74

Ch. 8 Virality and Communities: Opportunities in Distribution 86

Ch. 9 Crowdsourcing and Cocreating: Opportunities in Production 100

Ch. 10 Opening the Channels, Inside and Out: Opportunities in Communication 112

Ch. 11 Success Is Where You Find It 122

Glossary 132

Index 142

154 pages, Hardcover

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